SSH Terminal

The command-line interface (CLI) means interacting with the router system where the user issues commands to the router system through command lines.

The SSH command-line interface (CLI) allows commands to be run directly on the router's operating system shell rather than through the web GUI. This grants more advanced configuration and troubleshooting capabilities.

Secure Shell (SSH) provides encrypted network access to the CLI. There are a couple of ways to access over SSH, depending on your computer platform:

Web Terminal

  1. Login to the router web admin interface and navigate to "System > Terminal".

  2. Enter the default login name "root" and the router admin password. The password characters are hidden for security.

  3. Press enter after the password and you will receive a CLI prompt welcoming you.

Note: The web terminal is unavailable under the Traversal Cloud connection.

OutdoorRouter login: root
Password: <invisible>

BusyBox v1.28.4 () built-in shell (ash)

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☼ ☼ ☼       OUTDOOR ROUTER        ❅ ❅ ❅


SSH Software

Linux & Mac

The most common tool for Linux and Mac computers is the Terminal app.

  • Open a new Terminal window and type ssh root@ and press Enter.

  • If this is your first time logging in, you might be asked to clarify whether you want to log in. In that case, type yes and press "Enter" on the keyboard.

  • Type in the router’s admin password and press "Enter" to log in to the terminal.

If the router has changed configurations, you might need to clear the stored SSH key information with this command: ssh-keygen -R

Mac Terminal and Windows PuTTY


For Windows computers, the most common SSH tool is PuTTY.

  1. Launch the PuTTY application.

  2. Select SSH for the connection type.

  3. Enter your router's IP address,, into the Hostname field.

  4. Specify port 22.

  5. Click Open, enter login "root" and enter the router admin password when prompted.

These are the basics to access your router's command line over SSH from various desktop platforms! Type "help" at the prompt to see available commands.

Last updated