
The router firewall controls the forward packet streams from incoming network interfaces to outgoing network interfaces.

The firewall functions in a 4G/5G SIM card router, providing a powerful and flexible way to control and secure network traffic. It allows you to tailor the security settings to your specific needs.

  • Zones and Policies: Organizes network interfaces into zones, such as the LAN (local area network) zone and the WAN (wide area network) zone. Policies define the rules for traffic flowing between these zones.

  • Traffic Filtering: The firewall allows you to filter traffic based on various criteria, including source and destination IP addresses, ports, protocols (TCP, UDP, ICMP), and more. You can create rules to allow, reject, or drop specific types of traffic.

  • Port Forwarding: This function enables you to forward incoming traffic on a specific port to a specific device or service on your local network. It's commonly used for services like web servers, game servers, or remote desktop access.

  • Network Address Translation (NAT): NAT allows you to share a single public IP address among multiple devices on your local network. It translates the private IP addresses of your local devices to the public IP address when accessing the internet.

  • Packet Marking: You can mark packets based on specific criteria, such as source or destination IP addresses or ports. This marking can then be used to apply specific routing or Quality of Service (QoS) rules.

  • Logging and Monitoring: The firewall logging capabilities allow you to monitor and analyze network traffic. This can be useful for troubleshooting or identifying potential security threats.

  • Load Balancing: The load balancing distributes incoming traffic across multiple WAN & Mobile interfaces to improve performance and redundancy.

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